July 2014! (June 2014 archive More archives

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I visited LA July 5th - 10th and had a super time. My new play space there is now in the works!



"Fuck or be fired"


45 minutes

Free Trailer (flash)

All domboss.com content is currently being converted to .mp4

First time MIB appearances for Natali Demore, Maya Sinstress, Kendra James and Caroline Pierce. All female office sex scandal! High powered women with sexual agenda. "Make out parties" and "dirty conference calls" are common place. Penetration a must for promotion. Lunchroom gangbangs a normal occurrence. Big dick strap-on contests overshadow productivity, and so called meetings are an excuse for masturbation and fucking subordinates. Corporate cunt club gets shut down. Taped boardroom orgies sold to highest bidder. Record internet downloads. Talk of DVD sales but no comment from Execs. Victims refuse to talk and want to keep their jobs. Lives ruined and humongous lawsuits are pending. The company is overwhelmed with new job apps. Orders from the top - "fuck or be fired"! Suck a dick and get a raise mentality. Car pool or cum pool. Hint of a Pro Dom connection. Demore and Sinstress are named as ringleaders. James and Pierce want bosses freed - say no harm done.

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Order DVD contains bloopers and trailers from other movies!


Unemployed by the Boss - 1 hour (Role Play)

The Compound employees have been very competitive with each other and causing friction. This problem is frequently a disciplinary issue. See spanking, caning, paddling, verbal admonishment, and eventual atonement from the employees. View Now  Order DVD