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Surviving Servalan: 75 minutes

Part 1 - Scene 1: Superior Scolding and Corporal Correction! This Fem Dom Court is now in session and the Honorable Judge Servalan presides. She is hearing the complaints of Lady Owner Irene Boss against the miscreant hardenough, who is going to be sentenced for unkempt slovenly personal appearance, rude behavior befitting a gentleman, gluttony and laziness. The verbal tongue lashing that ensues about the 4 grievous offenses is not for the faint of heart, but of you are a scolding and domestic discipline fan the frame up for the debauchery that follows is not to be missed! Diddling on the Internet is punishable by hard bare bottomed spanking. Other offenses listed are punishable by caning, paddling and strapping! The slave is behaving immaturely and is going to be treated in an immature manner as a result. The bloopers on this video are worth the price of admission. The comeuppance begins and a naughty "lass" is bent over the dress for a tandem bare bottom hand spanking. The Ladies take turns holding the subject down. Scene 2: A strapping is next atop a large padded punishment table. While Ms Servalan restrains the recalcitrant cad, Ms Boss selects straps and tawses for the punishment. Both Ladies in proper Disciplinarian attire (Ms Servalan in Judge's cape for first scene) and Ms Boss in glasses. The sentence begins and Ms Servalan and Ms Boss even uses a jade Maori paddle on the charges behind. A tandem caning follows.

Part 2 - Scene 1: Introducing Ms Jadis who joins in for a 3 against one, and the Ladies don formal rubber fetish attire, catsuits, sheer dresses and corsets. Leather bondage (arm binders, leg binders and hoods) on the menu now with lots of electro play with tens, violet wand, and even a stun gun. Mistress Jadis enjoys subjecting nipple play and pinwheel torment while Ms Servalan and Ms Boss apply restraints. The Ladies all take turns doing different things to the subject. He is certainly passed around Fem Dom style! Scene 2: The slave is restrained in preparation for a marking commitment. He is forcibly miked with a vibrator and fed his cum at the film's end.


Ms Boss attended DomCon LA and visited the Orange California Complex May 5th - 14th!