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"Irene Boss meets Lady Cheyenne"

60 minutes  View now

Order Hi Rez DVD (part of a double feature)

Lady Cheyenne´s video debut with MIB Productions at the Compound in the mid 90's! Meet the legend from Columbus Ohio who is one of the first Ladies of the Internet! Irene invites one of Her best subs over so She and Cheyenne can work Their magic. The slave is led around on a leash, and is made to play bizarre counting games in the school room. he is completely mummified in the black room . smothered, sat on, trampled, stood on, hung upside down, electrocuted, and forced to endure cbt and nipple play. The scene ends with the slave undergoing psychological torture with the novus system while in stringent bondage, while Boss and Cheyenne discuss selling his sperm to a milking farm in order to make a little money. A nice foot worship scene with the slave and Cheyenne. Boss in skin tight sexy rubber cheek shorts, military hat, platform fetish boots, and exotic makeup. Cheyenne in electric blue rubber mini dress with bare legs and feet. Non stop action!


Director's Cut DVD sale! Shipping and handling included in the US



Ms Boss visited DC Metro June 8th - 10th