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                                                                                     Members writing:

A Session at the Complex, Mistress May I Have Another?
The door opened to a darkened room where I heard "Put your bags down and get on your hands and knees." There was no escaping the fact I was in session. "Kiss the Louboutins. Adore them," I was ordered. I immediately began to worship a shiny black shoe with a curved red bottom that sculpted a delicious high heel that was lined with silver studs and fitted with black straps to hold the Mistress' foot in place. I was so excited that I kissed both the shoe and the Mistress' nylon-covered foot above and below the strap. "I said 'Kiss the shoe,' not the foot," she corrected me. "You have already qualified for a caning for that mistake." Things were developing very fast in this session.
When my kisses had polished the Louboutins to her satisfaction, the Mistress allowed me to rise and dress for the session. She was gone before I could appreciate her outfit. I could only glimpse a very tight, short, teal-blue dress under a leather jacket along with a black leather cap. The outfit said, "No nonsense today, slave."
I had chosen purple for this visit to the Complex: a purple skirt, purple hose, and purple opera length gloves. I wore a simple, black, short-sleeve top with an open neckline not only to stay cool, but also to show off the thick black collar the Mistress had given me. I love to wear her collar as a sign of servitude. The open neckline would allow her full access to the D-rings around the collar should she want to attach me in that way. Underneath I chose demure beige for my bra, panties, and slip. Earrings, bracelet, and wig went on and finally the black, latticed, high-heel, thigh-high boots I had purchased to match those of the Mistress. Read the rest


Ms Boss visited DC August 30th - September 1st.


Mistress Eva Cruz visited September 22nd - 24th